FOSS.IN is one of the world’s largest Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) events, held annually in India. The event is highly focussed on FOSS development and contribution. Over the years, it has attracted thousands of participants, and the speaker roster reads like a “Who’s Who” of FOSS contributors from across the world.
Last year I had the privilege of giving a talk on "Lustre: A Scalable Clustered Filesystem" at this event. This is one of the few events with a very techie agenda and I had some interesting discussions with the delegates. The breakout sessions where hackers sit together and actually code up a feature is really cool. Not many events would have people actually coding!
Here is my presentation. It describes the architecture of Lustre - a distributed, clustered filesystem which runs on 7 of the top 10 supercomputers. It goes on to describe some of the cutting-edge features that are being planned for future Lustre releases.